As perhaps you might guess from the title of this post, I am in Japan...Tokyo to be exact. Life is really so full of surprises and twists and turns. Ask me on Monday morning where I would have been on Tuesday and I would've told you in Culver City, CA doing some Health & Wellness work. However, God moves in mysterious ways and so we never know what His plans are.
So, on Monday evening at around 5:30 or so I was hanging out with my brother, when I received an unexpected phone call from the sports modeling agency that I do some off and on work with. I looked at my phone but as I was fully engrossed in a conversation, I chose not to answer, figuring I'd get back to them soon enough. Five minutes later, I get an email from them saying "Contact us ASAP regarding a direct booking opportunity!" So, I excuse myself from my conversation and call them back. Jeff, one of the agents at Sports Unlimited answers and proceeds to tell me that I've been offered a job in Tokyo but I have to leave on Tuesday. My immediate concern is what is it that they are going to want me to do, because if it's sprinting or jumping, then unfortunately I would not have been able to accept the job because of the incapacity of my Achilles.
I tell Jeff to find out the specifics of the job and to let me know. He does and as it turns out, they want me in spite of my limitations. Woohoo!!:-) By the time all the details are worked out, ie. travel, contact and hotel info, payment terms (which are pretty darned good!!), etc. it's around 7:30pm. I had already agreed to have dinner with a friend of mine and I didn't want to break that so I went to dinner and then began the task of packing to leave for my 5 day trip.
Due to my years and years of travel, I am an expert packer and so I get through the process relatively quickly and made it to bed by midnight. I still had to run a few errands in the morning and try to rearrange a few things in my schedule but I made it to my 1:13pm flight very comfortably. I've already met the other two girls who I will be shooting with and we start bright and early in the morning. Actually, it's 2:22am right now but I'm up because thank God, Track and Field is important over here too and they are airing the World Championships live on TV. GO Team Bahamas!!!
The only drawback to being in Japan is that they use a quadband phone service and so US phones don't work over here, so no BBM:-( I might go through withdrawals lol. It's ok though because I think it's good every once in a while to be detached from the constant buzzing and obligation that a phone inherently causes. I have Skype anyway so it's all good:-)
Anyway, that's it for now. I'll be sure to update with pictures etc whenever I get a chance. Until then, stay blessed....
****Due to legal reasons, no pictures will be allowed of the shoot...sorry!
****Also, my room is on the 30th floor of my hotel and about 5 minutes ago, I just felt a PRETTY STRONG earthquake:-((!!!! Not fun at all......