So as it turns out, this whole blogging thing is more than just self-expression, more than sharing with your friends and family, more than even a cathartic exercise. Turns out you actually can make real friends on here. When I first started blogging just a few months ago, it really was just meant as a means to catalog my journey to Beijing later this year and to give family and friends an easy way to keep up with my movements, especially because I travel so much. Who knew that this experience would turn out to be so much more. I have read things that have entirely moved me, made me laugh, made me sad, worried, happy, hopeful, amused and I have definitely read things that have made my jaws drop from sheer amazement in that "no she/he didn't say that" kinda way:)
Well, a couple days ago, one more layer was added to this whole blogging journey. I actually met someone who I had previously only known as a result of my reading and commenting on her blog and vice versa. She is insightful, and funny and brave and talented

and her blogger name is Jewells. I am sure many of you have had the opportunity to read some of her stuff. A couple weeks ago, I wrote that I was going to be in Orlando for a while and she sent me an email saying that she would be here for a few days as well. Fast forward to two days ago and we actually met up here at the apartment that I share with another fellow blogger and athlete, Joice.
It was fun to hang out and see Jewells. She was even more delightful in person. We took her to the track yesterday so she could see us do what we do and I think and hope that she had good time. She is leaving today, headed back to South Carolina. We got along really well and I am sure we will be keeping in touch. Who knows? Maybe someday we can all have some sort of bloggers reunion....that would be nice! In the meantime, I will continue on this blogging path and who knows where it may lead!
YAY you saw the Avenue!
Did I come up? :)
That's it I'm movin!
It was really nice meeting Jewells.
It was like hooking up with an old friend.
The flow of conversation was cool because we knew enough about eachother via blog life.
Eclectik, you know you came up!
Where was I when this came up?
Oh yeah I remember now.
Very pretty picture, you ladies are glowing!
nice pic
a blogger reunion sounds like a good idea
How bout it be in the NYC tho
broke college girls can't travel
Hey Jackie! It was wonderful and refreshing to meet and hang out with you and Joice. Seeing a part of your world was truly rewarding. Such kindred spirits!
I very much so enjoyed myself. My only complaint was leaving Orlando @ 7:09pm and not getting home until 1 am. Can't do that again.
Love the pic:-)
@ Eclectik: You know you came
Thats what I'm talking about. I love that pic. It speaks of black people enjoying life.
And, Jewells, you have them thangs sitting up right! LOL.
Oooo wee...
Blush and Hopin it was good
Hey Joice
yea, this blogging thing has brought me together with some great folk & partners (right, Miz?;-)! And Dejanae - i've seentcha around - but had no clue that u were here in da apple:-). We DO need a Blog-Reunion! I'm collecting photos of bloggers I've met.
Jackie, I would love to see U & your girl, Joice in action! I love to watch runners and am (S.L.O.W.L.Y:-) developing into one myself - but have NO pipe-dreams of being on your level - i just want to like it:-). HUGZ!!
I felt the need to come back and say that I meant no disrespect by my previous comments.
Don: I really was wondering about that comment! But no worries, no disrespect taken. That's between you and Ms. Jewells:)
Capcity: I thank you for the comments and if I have anything to do with it, I'm going to really try to see about this whole reunion thing. Maybe in the fall...
I hear it's REALLY nice in the DC Metro Jackie....
Just sayin...
Jack I think he wants you to check out your track schedule, to see if there are any meets in DC.
Eclectik I have done my part in translating cause that invite was kinda weak. lol
Thats cool you made friends on here. I need to make plans to meet some in person as well. I feel really close to some. Anyway, I'm glad it was blogging as been a good experience for you:-)
ohh yeah... there are people who have been reading my blog since 2005, and some of them are more than friends, they know and understand me more than my own family,
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