So last week Wednesday, April 14th, I celebrated another birthday!! I should have written a post then but I had such a busy day that I never got around to it. To be totally honest, it was one of the best birthdays I've had in a long time! I've never really been a huge birthday person, as in I don't really make a big deal about it. However, it really is such an awesome feeling when your friends and family make it a point to show you just how much they care.
I received a couple of cool gifts too, stuff that I had probably been in dire need of, lol. I'm an old skool girl at heart and so sometimes I don't really get with the times until everyone else has moved on to the next thing, leaving me still trying to catch up. I'm cool with that though - maybe one of these days keeping up with the Jones' will be important to me but to this point in my life, that's never been the case and I don't envision that changing.
That being said though, I REALLY loved my gifts and the thought that went into them. When someone shows you just how thoughtful they are by paying close to attention to what you need, it makes you feel that much more special:)
I think back to a year ago at this time. I had just injured my Achilles on April 18th 2009, I was without direction, upset, sad, afraid of the recovery road that lay ahead, worried about the apparent end of my long and oh-so-fulfilling career, and just really wondering where my path was going to take me. I had nothing but questions and very few answers.
Fast forward one year later and I have landed! Last Friday, I was finally able to jog again....woohoo! Yeah for rehab/physiotherapy!! I've been fortunate enough to have some great business and career opportunities fall into place and I'm SO excited about that. My bank account is looking pretty good:), I had a smooth transition from one tenant to another in my house in Austin, TX, thank goodness, I have been enjoying myself, my heart is being taken care of so well;-) and I am truly at one of the best points of my life!
I smile a lot. And the world seems to be smiling back at me. I keep wondering how come the Lord sees fit to keep blessing me like this, but since I don't know how or why, all I do is just keep thanking Him. If someone would have asked me where I would've been a year from last year, I would've never guessed that I would be standing in this place.
And all I can do is keep on keeping on, trying to be a good person, to show my friends and family how much they mean to me. People keep asking me how come I still look so young and would have to say that I think the key to my youthful feeling and appearance is just that I live life to the fullest, I stay positive, I really care about people, I'm passionate, I don't take myself too seriously and laugh a whole heck of a lot:-)
So here's to another year of life!!! I have a feeling it's gonna be my best one yet!!!!!