I've always had an interest in that field of work but I've never had an opportunity to "get my feet wet' or any sort of experience. I've always been the person on the opposite end of the microphone answering the questions so it was really interesting to get to see and learn firsthand how to do exactly what it is that reporters, announcers, commentators, news anchors, radio hosts and play-by-play media persons do.
To say it was a challenge would be a huge understatement! It was the same kind of exciting energy you feel when you're up for your first jump at a meet. When the producer counts down and that stage manager points at you to start reading your evening news from the teleprompter it was a huge rush. And I loved every minute of it!!! I can assure you that the news persons and analysts on TV make everything they do look WAY easier than it is and I'm sure they will be some laughs when you watch us in that learning process:-/
We were split into 3 teams of 4. My team consisted of myself, Josh Norman (NFL), Gary Payton (NBA) and Ray Crockett (NFL).
There were three other track athletes on the show - Lolo Jones, Monica Cabbler and Maurice Greene. We had to compete in different challenges every day to earn "Broadcast Bucks" and then at the end of the competition, the winners were chosen. One of the great things about this experience is that we were all able to donate our winnings to the charity of our choice and so that was really fantastic.
There was a great chemistry and comraderie between everyone but boys will boys and some days were definitely more draining and drama-filled than others but I guess that is to be expected when you have a room filled with such highly competitive people. The cameras were on us all the time when we were at the set, both during actual competitions and during breaks, lunch etc so the Lord only knows what will actually air when the show debuts in June because we all had our moments:-/
There were some CHARACTERS to be sure LOL and some fun times were had but I don't want to say too much more. The ending was interesting and I hope you will all tune in and watch. It is an experience that ranks really high up there for me and I am so thankful that I was chosen to be a part of the Media and Leadership Academy's season 1. I learned a lot and I know that I have much more to learn but one thing is for sure - some of the friendships that I made will most definitely last a lifetime.
A unique opportunity hasalready come up as a result of this show and the sky truly is now the limit!!!
Oh, I cannot wait to hear more!!!! Please keep us posted on details and developments!
Good to hear from you!
Wow that sounds exciting. Congratulations and good luck! As a sidenote....nothing like a black man in a suit. :-)
Very exciting! Keep us posted on channel, times, etc.
What a great opportunity Jackie! I can't wait to watch and I'm so happy for you :-) I'm interested to see how the male ego interferes with certain challenges LOL
How come you do not have a picture of me?
Rolando Nichols
Thanks everyone!
Rolando: I'm not sure how come I never got a picture with you...hopefully at some point we can make up for that:-) Thanks again for everything!!
waiting for your visit
Gurl, you are so right about speaking on camera. I started out in radio and tv broadcasting, and it made me more nervous than anything. I am so looking forward to the show, please keep me informed and best of luck! I'm loving it!
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