So when she told me that she had to come out here to LA for a conference, I was happy about that and suggested to her that she stay with me, which she agreed to. She got in on Saturday and since then we've hit everything up from the PAC-10 Championship basketball game on Saturday afternoon, to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles that night. On Sunday we went to Venice Beach, which somehow I've managed to never visit even though I've been here in LA for a few years now. I'll definitely go back. We had a great time there. Then we went to my favorite Cuban restaurant, Versailles and I killed the oxtail once again.
Yesterday, we had a low key evening but since she's a makeup artist and since I have no skills when it comes to putting on eye shadow, we decided to play around and let her work her magic on me. I really liked how it looked and I swear one of these days, I'm gonna learn how to do it. If you click on the pictures you can really get a better view of her handy work.

The funniest part of the evening came when I decided to try on a couple outfits because tonight I am attending a roast/toast for comedian/actor John Witherspoon - you know the "Bang, Bang, Bang" guy. As you can see from the pictures, I had some "problems" getting the dress that I had tried on off. Maybe I should have taken off my t-shirt and sweats, I don't know but between the one leg of tights and shoes and getting stuck with my arms over my head, we both almost died of laughter and Jules decided to take a couple pictures of me in my predicament, lol. And then to add insult to injury, after all that, neither the dress nor the tights are a go....
Anyway, she came with me to practice today and then I took her to the airport right after. It was great having her here and I thoroughly enjoyed her company. Hopefully we'll have the chance to get together again soon:)
Those last few pictures are so funny! I was laughing just imagining you two. Also, I think it's cool how you met, and that you have found a good friend through a medium such as this. It says a lot about who you are as a person :)
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie!! I can't stop laughing. The pictures are no comparison to the real thing. Too funny!!!
It was truly an experience spending time with you over the last few days. Opening your home and yourself to me was a blessing that I will never forget. You really are a great person, beautiful woman, and a your genuineness is an asset. A great friend indeed! Think I have two cans of a six pack from all the laughter. Wait til I get my pics of your friend with the hairless booty uploaded. LOL.
You look like one of those powerlifters that have to take off those bodysuits after bench pressing like 900 lbs for two repititions...lol.
And Jewells worked her magic indeed, but she had a lovely canvas to work with :-)
some having a good time Hun!!
Seriously. Stop it already, ok? You're hurtin' me with the close-ups where we can see all the little baby hairs!
But for real I thought you were gonna say Jewells is a professional yogi and that she cajoled you into trying Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing Dog Pose). "Man, I'm a pro aflete. I'm flexible. I know I can handle a little lotus position, no sweat. Bring it!" [Later that evening our heroine utters...] "Wait. I'm stuck."
This would have been great "Caption This!" fodder.
Jewells: Ahhh, that guy was YOUR friend with the hairless booty, lol!!!
Had to come back for more laughs. I sent you the pic. Dude was happy with his 10 pound ball. LOL
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