So a couple nights ago, I went to see the movie Seven Pounds starring Will Smith.

Now I had heard from a couple people that the movie was slow and that it took a while to get into it. Well, let me put in my two cents. I thought the movie was AWESOME!! In fact, I need to add it to my list of favorite movies in my profile. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The way I figure it, not every movie has to be action-filled, and moving at a blinding pace. This movie was well-written and thought-provoking and moving. It made me take a moment. It was pretty deep, even heart-wrenching at times but I would definitely watch it again. Two thumbs way up! Oh yeah, and Will Smith and Rosario Dawson did their thing!
I don't really have a CD to review but I have to tell you that my FAVORITE song right now is Sweetest Love by Robin Thicke. Love, love, love this song!!! I've had to put myself on restriction, lol because I don't want to wear it out to the point where I can't stand hearing it. I've done that before. But I tell you my parents probably thought I

was crazy because I had my ipod on all week and I kept replaying it and singing rather loudly, lol!! They know they loved it:) Anyway, I'm sure you've heard it and if you haven't, check it out. Listen to the lyrics. It's just a great song!! And Mr. Thicke's pretty easy on the eyes to boot....
It's so funny that you mentioned Will Smith. Tonight we watched Hancock. It's a great movie and I loved the story line. Will Smith is great.
Well I heard that 7 pounds AND Benjamin Buttons are two of the greatest movies
...I aint seein either (no interest) BUT I'm happy that there are good movies to be seen
However if I had a date (hint nudge hint)....
Hi Jackie,
First of all congratulations on your blog…I am a huge fan! I have started following your performances on the track as well and it is great to see you jump around the world.
I have just recently started a blog on track and field pictures ( Every week I profile a picture around a certain person or event that made the news that week. I would like some more people to visit my site so I was hoping that maybe you could add my link to your blog list? In return I can add you to my bloglist..
I would like to thank you in advance and hope to read a lot more blogging from you in the future!
Pilar Burgos
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İngilizce adanın resmi dili ve heryerde konuşuluyor.
so ill watch it.Am a fun of Will alot.Seven pounds it is.Happy new year Jackie.
Hey Pilar, so I added you to my list of Some of My Favorite Websites/Blogs. Thanks for stopping by!
Ditto on the movie being AWESOME!! I love intensity which means this movie was right up my alley. My dad and I are still talking about it. Might go see it again before the week is out.
I haven't seen 'Seven Pounds' yet, but when I spoke to Jewells, she said the movie was great-I had to keep her spoiling it for In my humble opinion, Smith's best work was as Chris Gardner in 'Pursuit of Happyness'-talkin' about a great movie! I know the same producers are involved with 'Seven Pounds' so that's even more reason for me to check it out.
As far as Robin Thicke goes, I still get into his music too much, but one song that I absolutely love by him is 'Can You Believe', other than that tune, I haven't let him grow on me too much; maybe I should do something about that. Hmmm
I found it refreshing that the producers of "7 Lbs." never really insulted the intelligence of the audience (or its ability to use Google) by trying to explain the connection between the title and Smith's actions in the movie. I thought this was some of his and Rosario Dawson's (man, I love her) best acting, and the movie will leave you mulling its multi-entendre meaning for days, even weeks after you've seen it.
Anonymousnupe: Honestly, I couldn't have said it better myself. There are so many layers and underlying meanings and I'm glad we were left to figure it out for ourselves.
Marcus: I'm not a huge Robin Thicke fan in general, just a huge fan of this song and a few others...
After speaking to you last night I decided to watch movie
It was great!!!
Got me all teary eyed a couple of times.
How you not going to be a fan of Robin Thicke!?!? I became a fan just for the simple fact that he married Paula Patton...LAWD! If he could get with her then he must have something worth while to talk about LOL!!!
Can't wait to see Seven Pounds. Will Smith is one of the greatest actors out there!!! Love your blog!
I too LOVED Seven Pounds!!! Great, Great movie!! Both Will and Rosario (totally have a woman crush on her!!) did an awesome job!!
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