I've been back here now for about a week for some good old fashioned spring training and it couldn't be going any better. It's been great to see everyone - Brooks, Dave, Aub, Joel, Randy and Kenta and all the ladies - Moushami, Tiff and the Jamaican trio. Over the past several months Kenta has been giving me training advice over the phone but a few weeks ago when he told me he was coming here to train, it was pretty much a no-brainer that I would come back at the same time. How can I beat being able to be around some of my favorite people and being able to get the best coaching at the same time??!!
Suffice to say it has been going extremely well even in such a short period of time. Between Brook's wisdom and guidance and Kenta's knowledge and technical skill, I am as excited as I've been in quite some time. It's been great to see what I've been doing right and correct the things that I've been doing wrong.
Everyone is training really hard right now and there is something to be said for being "in the trenches" so to speak, together and being able to benefit from the support and motivation that a training group inherently provides. I pray that everyone will bear the fruits of their labour this season. Anyway, that's it for now...hopefully you all had a great week. I know I did;-)